You’re in the market for a new laptop and are wondering what your options are. You’ve seen some ads for ibooks, but don’t know much about it.
In this blog post, medCPU will compare ibook vs laptop by talking about their pros and cons, as well as how they differ from each other. We’ll also answer any questions you may have so that you can make an informed decision on which device to get!
What is an ibook?
An ibook is a laptop made by Apple. It has many of the same features as other laptops but does have some slight differences that we will talk about in this blog post. Some examples of these differences are:
Pros of ibook:
It’s lightweight – Weighing only around three pounds (around two kilograms), an apple ibook is one of the lightest laptops on the market today! You can easily carry it with you and use it wherever you go without getting fatigued. This makes them great for students who need to take notes or do work outside the classroom. They’re easy to pack up and bring home since they don’t weigh much at all!
They run OS X – One thing that sets Apple products apart from other devices is that they run on their own special OS (operating system). This means you will have exclusive access to the best apps, games, and programs for a ibook. You won’t be limited by what’s available in stores or online.
They’re great for creative professionals – If you are a photographer, graphic designer, videographer, musician, animator, etc., an apple laptop would make your life much easier! They come with many different types of ports so that all of your equipment can fit right into them. The graphics card and processing speed also make editing these projects quick and easy.
Cons of ibook:
Price – Apple products aren’t cheap! Everyone knows this already which may not make them the best option for you.
What is a laptop?
A laptop is a computer that you can take on the go. It’s small, light and portable so it can easily fit into your bag or backpack. Laptops have many of the same features as other computers, but they’re condensed into a smaller package. Some examples of these are:
Pros of laptops:
Price – Since there are so many companies making laptops nowadays, some great deals may be available at times! You won’t always need to buy from top brands like Apple in order to get something that has all the functions you want and then some more!
Battery life – While most laptops will last for hours before needing another charge, MacBooks will usually only run between three and five hours without being plugged in somewhere (and ibooks will usually only last around two hours).
Cons of laptops:
They’re heavy – Laptops have been ranked as one of the heaviest items that you can put into your bag or backpack. They don’t always feel worth carrying around after a while and sometimes, it feels like everything is weighing you down. After all, isn’t this why people started using tablets in the first place?
They take up more space – While not ALL laptops are bulky, most of them are larger than they need to be for their size. If you want something small but effective then there may be better options out there! You won’t find any ibook deals if you do decide on a laptop though since apple doesn’t make them themselves.
Read also our guide about comparing Ultrabook Vs Laptop, CLick here.
What are the differences between ibook vs laptop?
If you’re looking to buy a new computer soon, then this is the section for you! Here are some of the biggest differences between an apple laptop and any other brand:
products cost more than most laptops on the market today. You’ll also be limited to what’s available in stores or online if your device does break down so make sure that it has all of the features you want before purchasing one.
Laptops tend to weigh much more than ibooks which makes them harder to carry around with you wherever you go. Even though they have smaller screens, MacBooks can still be heavy when compared side by side with their competitors (especially windows-based ones).
Battery life
As mentioned above, laptops will usually only last around three to five hours without needing a charge. If you’re the type of person who likes working outside or on the go all day long, then this may be an issue for you.
Since they are larger than other types of computers, not every bag is going to have enough space left in it after putting one inside (especially if there’s already something else taking up room). They can also take more time setting them up since many come with their own stands that need to be adjusted accordingly before use.
FAQs about laptop vs ibook
Do I need wifi if I get an apple product?
For most devices (including iBooks), it will give you internet access using WIFI rather than cellular data which means that your battery life won’t drain too when searching online or browsing social media.
What if I don’t like my laptop?
You can send back your product any time within the first 30 days and receive a refund for your order as long as everything is in good working condition. This also applies to books offer!
Can I get my money back?
Yes! As part of our guarantee policy, we offer customers refunds so long as they return the product within 30 days of receiving it.
Conclusion: Which one should you get?
If you need a portable device to take with you on the go, then an iPad or ibook would be perfect for your lifestyle! If portability isn’t as important and all of your work can be done at home, it may make more sense to purchase a laptop.
It’s also usually cheaper than an apple product so if money is something that’s holding you back in any way, this might be a great option for you!
You’ll have access to everything that comes along with laptops without paying out too much money plus there are lots of cool gadgets available online today such as wireless keyboards which will certainly save some space while traveling.

Eyal Ephrat serves as the co-founder and CEO of, where technology is making significant strides in the field of medicine. Through his experience in purchasing PC and laptop equipment and various other tech products, Eyal Ephrat contributes valuable insights to medCPU’s mission.